1. History
On the 24th of September, 1997, the Prime Minister issued the Decision No 797/QĐ-TTg on the establishment of Hong Duc University (HDU) through the amalgamation of three tertiary institutions: College of Education, College of Economics and Technique and Thanh Hoa Medical College (previously all known for over 40-years training experiment). HDU was the first of Vietnam’s educational system to be built by a new model: a public, multi-discipline institution operating under the jurisdiction of the People's Committee of Thanh Hoa Province and the supervision of the Ministry of Education and Training.
The university was named after the date of Emperor Le Thanh Tong, regarded as one of the greatest emperors in
2. Initial organizational structure,
Following the Decision on the establishment, on the 24th of December, 1997, the Provincial Committee Thanh Hoa issued the Decision No 377-QĐ/TU on the establishment of HDU Party Organization under the jurisdiction of Party Committee of Provincial-level Agencies and Units. Since September, 2002, HDU Party Organization has officially been under the jurisdiction of Provincial Committee, reflecting position and importance of HDU Party Organization in Provincial Political System.
The university’s Communist Youth Union Ho Chi Minh and Vietnamese Students’ Association are under the jurisdiction of Provincial Union Thanh Hoa and Central Committee of Vietnamese Students’ Association respectively.
Organizational apparatus of HDU includes 24 Units, of which there are 10 faculties, 7 divisions, 1 board and 3 centers.
HDU has 610 staff and faculty, of whom 11 are of Doctorate degree-level, 86 are granted Master’s degree, 27 works as doctors, 373 complete Bachelor’s degree and 113 get Associate’s degree or under.
The university has two campuses: main campus, located in Dong Son Ward; Campus 2, situated in Lam Son Ward.
3. Development periods:
1998-1999: The university trained the first University-level academic program for 253 students (with a focus on three majors: Mathematics Teacher Education, Literature Teacher Education; Agriculture); the first College-level academic program for 3.726 students (the training scope: Teacher Education: 12 majors; Economics: 2 majors; Agriculture and Forestry: 2 majors, Technology: 1 major)
2007: Campus 2, at Lam Son Ward, was relocated to Dong Ve Ward.
2011: Board of Management, divisions and boards were moved to the Campus at Dong Ve Ward which now officially becomes the main Campus of HDU. University also has Campus 3, at Quang Thanh Ward, used as Center of Military & Security Education; the total area of 3 campuses is over 70 hectares.
2007: HDU was tasked by the Ministry of Education and Training to offer a Master’s degree in Crops Science.
2014: HDU was further tasked by the Ministry of Education and Training to run a Doctorate degree program with two majors: Crops Science and Vietnamese Literature, which was marked as a milestone in training activities and the development of HDU: a comprehensive training at all levels.
Organizational apparatus of HDU currently consists of 33 Units, of which there are 12 falcuties, 10 divisions, 3 boards and 7 centers and clinics.
HDU’s human resources have been enhanced greatly in both quantity and quality. The university currently has a total of 550 staff and faculty, including 11 associate professors; 95 Doctors (17,2 %), 397 Masters (72%, with 41 abroad); Student body is nearly 14,000 from various majors and levels.
HDU has currently trained Master’s degrees in 12 majors ( 01 Master of Business Administration in the Joint Training Program with Soongsil University, Korea); Bachelor’s degrees in 38 Majors (01 Bachelor in Business Administration in the 1+3 Joint Training Program with Rajamangala Thanabury University, Thailand); and Associate’s degrees in 17 majors.
Scientific research is adequately focused, attracting many staff, lecturers to participate. A lot of projects, at the level of Government, Ministry, Province, University, have high quality and applicability. In recent years, staff and lecturers have completed twointernational projects, seven national projects, of which there are two independent projects and five belonging to National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED); 38 at the level of Ministry; 56 at the provincial level and 498 at the level of University. 998 scientific articles have been published in domestic and international scientific journals. Students have conducted 1.899 projects, of which 328 were awarded by the University, 32 were rewarded by the MOET, and 4 were prized by Vietnam Funds of Supporting Technological Creations (VIFOTEC).
HDU has been awarded by Government with many commendation certificates and honorable titles, like the second-class Labour Order, the third-class Labour Order.
HDU’s MISSION: Constantly innovative and improving upon the quality of education, scientific research and transfer of technology to create quality products that meet the requirements of economic development - local economic development and the country in the period of industrialization, modernization and international integration.The University has inherited precious experiments and rich traditions for the past 20 years of establishment and development to build up HDU, making a major contribution to the country’s prosperity in the period of industrialization, modernization and international integration ./.